
If you want to know more about me, my book is a great place to start. Sometimes I forget that my story is out there for the world to read. I wrote it because hearing other people’s grief stories and what they had endured was really hopeful and powerful. For me, being able see someone who was a little further down the road in a similar life experience as myself was life giving. I believe there are an immense amount of tools and lessons to be learned from others. We’re all walking stories with a million words behind us and a million words being written. I want to pay it forward, with my one story, to the lonely and heavy hearted individual that can’t feel/see hope for the future and hope that their pain will ease. 

By talking about our grief and loss I believe we will find more healing for our hearts and our minds. Conversation brings pain to the surface instead of it making a home in our lives forever, which ultimately can make us feel completely isolated. Let’s shed light on this topic together by sharing our stories and inviting people into them. 

You can find portions of my life here: 

Joyward (a 4 1/2 month lifestyle).

Coastal Coworking.

Creative portfolio.